17 Aug Keep your blades sharp
Dull tools such as chisels, blades, planes, scrapers and gouges don’t cut cleanly. They tear at the wood fibers resulting in a fuzzy, uneven, unprofessional look.
Tools that have been chipped or nicked require grinding. A bench grinder, wet grinder, or even a belt sander can be used.
Avoid letting your tool get too hot when using a bench grinder or belt sander to prevent it from losing temper. Dipping it in a pan of cool water every few seconds will help.
After grinding, proceed to honing using either a flat wet stone or oil stone. A wet stone is preferred when doing fine woodworking.
The final step is polishing using a fine wet stone, a stropping wheel or leather.
Tools with sharper blades make woodworking easier, more efficient, and safer.
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